Monday, August 15, 2011

The Bionic Truth - An Audio Tape Is Out There

Bionic Album Artwork
This story just gets worse and worse. The journalist who first reveled the disgusting campaign to ruin 'Bionic' has revealed he went to secret meeting where an audio tape was played. Here's what he said.

"I have already emailed Perez Hilton ," a man with a thick Middle Eastern accent said. Another suggested that they "work the phones," which sounded like he meant to have people call radio stations and tell them to not play the the album's first single "Not Myself Tonight."

"Nobody cares about the phones; it's all about the blogs!" a frog-like voice that belonged to a guy named Roger revealed. The next part of the tape featured the group playing "Not Myself Tonight" and laughing over it. After the record stopped, insults were made about Christina Aguilera that are too offensive to talk about here

This was planned, detailed attack on Christina. We can NOT let this pass. Stans find those tapes! Let's expose this!!!

Full article here 

Thanks to xtina-web

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