Today's the day! The Voice returns tonight, straight after the Super Bowl and I shall be Live Blogging as soon as it starts. Keep checking back to this post for links to the show if your outside the states, screen caps and any tweets from our girl that happens during the show.
Live Stream Link One
Live Stream Link Two
Live Stream Link Three
Update if you sign up to this you can watch the show without any interuptions!!
Update - 1st Singer - Adam & Blake pushed their buttons. Christina shoot Blake some very funny looks, lmao. Picked Blake.
2nd singer - dude in the promos - Picked Christina! lmao, Christina gave it away in a tweet!
3rd singer - Good, but no one wanted him :(
4th singer - Rock chick. Adam, Christina & Cee Lo picked her. Christina to Adam "tryna be like Justine Timberlake!" - Adam on Christina "Christina Aguilera has one of the greatest voices on earth". The woman picked Cee Lo.
6th singer - Is an Ex Mouseteer (sp?) (MMC). All four puched their buttons (or rather Adam pushed Cee Lo's for him, lol) He picked Adam. Christina went backstage to talk to him and meet his family! Such an amazing moment!!
Ok, that's IT for tonight, I'll be back live blogging tomorrow night. THE PRINCE MEDLY IS TOMORROW!!!!!